Interviewing a Candidate

Interviewing a candidate is one of the most important pieces of the recruitment process. Determining whether your candidate is a successful hire boils down to the traits they have in the workplace. Your job as a interviewer is to define those traits before hand. A successful hire must be trustworthy, have a competitive drive, and are focused on finding solutions.

When interviewing your potential hire you must always make sure that their core values align with the core values of the company. Culture shapes an office community. Culture of the company can either make or break the final decision of the candidate. That is why the prescreen interview is very important.

Prescreen interviews are important in the hiring process because after identifying the candidates wants you can place them accordingly. The candidates thoughts and opinions matter throughout the whole process. Those key points they give you will help you determine if the position offered will cater best to their needs.

Your objectives in the interview process should be to acknowledge their past work history, soft skills, and accomplishments that are applicable to the job they are applying for. Work history helps you to see why they want to leave their current position and how their past relationships in the workplace affected their role. You can also prequalify a candidate using work history because their future workplace they are prospecting might have the same problems as their past workplace. This will save the candidates time and yours if you find misalignment between wants in the future organization. Soft skills lets you know about a candidates ability to be effective in a company. Some soft skills include identifying problems and providing solutions. Most employers are looking for workers with these skills to boost work productivity. Finally past accomplishments can hint at future performance of the candidate.

Prepping a candidate for their interview with the hiring manager is very important. To prevent no show interviews, prepping candidates give them the confidence to show up and know what to expect. It would be best to go over important information the hiring manager might bring up to them. A more prepared candidate will always present better to a hiring manager as well.

Collecting data on your interviews can make your candidate selection process more efficient. You will be able to determine the DNA of a successful hire which will help you screen in or out candidates more efficiently.

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